March 2015

Youth gangs in Canada: What do we know?

The National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) of Public Safety Canada is committed to developing and disseminating practical knowledge to address the problem of youth gangs. This information sheet is part of a series on youth gangs. It includes highlights from the 2002 Canadian Police Survey on Youth Gangs as well as other sources of information on youth gangs.

To implement effective prevention and intervention strategies, we must start by understanding the nature and scope of the youth gang problem. This document presents an overview of current knowledge about youth gangs in Canada, including their connections with guns and drugs.


Three Real Life Cyber Bullying Stories

Cyber bullying, the act of using the Internet and electronic communication to invade someone’s privacy, exposing private information about the person or to mental harm him or her, comes in a variety of levels and harm. Some can seem harmless but have the potential to do a lot more. Other acts of cyber bullying can cause so much harm, it drives a person to want to escape, even if through suicide. Here are a few stories of electronic harm done to others, all through the Internet. Learn about the real life Cyber Bullying Stories!

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