Ron Manes

Ron Manes

LLM, LLB, Senior Litigation Counsel, Torkin/Manes, LLP, Barristers & Solicitors, Toronto, Ontario

Vice-Chair, Victim Justice Network

As senior litigation counsel, Ron practices in areas of complex commercial and tort litigation at all levels of trial and appeal courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada. Ron is a founding partner and Chair of Torkin Manes LLP.

Ron has been a national leader in access to justice. He is the founder of Pro Bono Law Ontario, the internationally recognized and award-winning organization providing access to free legal services for those in need without resources to pay for legal assistance. He also founded the Volunteer Lawyers Service which provides free access to legal services to a vast variety of charities and non-profit organizations throughout Ontario.

Ron is a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Victim Justice Network and serves as the Vice-Chair.