Tackling the Justice Gap: Restorative Justice and Sexual Violence Nov 10, 2016

The Victim Justice Network (VJN) in collaboration with Durham College presented a Live Stream Education Global Classroom event with the discussion topic: Tackling the Justice Gap: Restorative Justice and Sexual Violence  on November 10th, 2016.  For more information visit:


The VJN is proud to have hosted our first Global Classroom hosted online by our partner Durham College, Oshawa, Ontario.

The Global Classroom is a 90 minute live-streamed online session which provides a discussion forum for four participant groups at one time.  The educational event can be viewed through an online live stream by interested individuals anywhere around the globe!

The presentation and discussion considered whether restorative justice is an appropriate resolution to sexual assault cases that have traditionally proceeded through the criminal justice system in Canada and other jurisdictions.


Keynote Presenter:

Professor Jo-Anne Wemmers
Jo-Anne Wemmers (PhD) is a full Professor at the School of Criminology of the Université de Montréal as well as principal researcher at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology. She has published widely in the areas of victimology, international criminal law and restorative justice.

Classroom Participants:

Professor Joanne Paterson
Faculty and Program Coordinator of the Victimology (Graduate Certificate) Program at Durham College, Oshawa, Ontario

Carolyn Sinclair
Executive Director Police Victim Services of British Columbia. Disaster Psychosocial (DPS) Volunteer, Alternate Provincial DPS Lead. The head office is located in Surrey, British Columbia.

Sonya Vellenga
Executive Director, Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre; a 24-hour support and crisis line, individual & group counselling, advocacy & accompaniment for sexual assault survivors located in Peterborough, Ontario.

Tackling the Justice Gap: Restorative Justice and Sexual Violence Poster (PDF format).

Related Resources and Links

During the session, a resource was discussed and we post it here for participants to download:

Mercer, V., & Sten-Madsen, K. (2015). Doing Restorative Justice in Cases of Sexual Violence : A practice guide. Daphne III – JUST/2011/DAP/AG/3350, Leuven Institute of Criminology. See:






